Data Analysis Tools - Week4 | Exploring Statistical Interactions

This is the fourth assignment or the second course (of five) [Data Analysis and Interpretation Specialization] ( detailed information about it can be seeing here.

Assignment 4:

The fourth assignment deals with testing a potential moderator. When testing a potential moderator, we are asking the question whether there is an association between two constructs for different subgroups within the sample.

In name of clarity I opted, in this assignment, by not show the code fragments, but, instead, show the sections on this notebok.



Details of my project can be seeing here, to get easier, I made a summary bellow:

Variable Name Description
Life Explanatory Variable: Life Expectancy (1)
Alcohol Response Varialbe: Alcohol Consumption (2)
Income moderator: GPD per capita (3)

(1) 2008 alcohol consumption per adult (liters, age 15+)

(2) 2011 life expectancy at birth (years)

(3) 2010 Gross Domestic Product per capita in constant 2000 US$”


The income level affect direction or strength of the relationship between alcohol consumption and life expectancy?

Creating Categorical Variables

originally, my variables are all numeric, that is, “life” is expressed in the number of years, “alcohol” is expressed in the number of liters and “income” in dollars. For this assignment the only variables that i keep numeric is the “life”, alcohol and income will be converted in categorical based in means.



alcohol income
6.78409 7006.36

The code for this table can be seeing in section [2] on this jupyter notebok

Categorical variables:

The code for creation this variables can be seeing in section [2][3], this jupyter notebok, bellow I show the output for dtypes:

variable Type
country object
income category
alcohol category
life float64

Analysis of Variance ANOVA

To accomplish to answer our question, we are going to run two separate ANOVAS, one for each level of third variable (income less than or greater than the mean)

Anova for income less than the mean

ANOVA results for income less than the mean (US$ 7006)

F-Value P-value
3.37363 0.0686231

This results of ANOVA shows a smal F-Value and a not significant P-value,

Anova for income greater than the mean

ANOVA results for income greater than the mean (US$ 7006)

F-Value P-value
13.0789 0.000794359

In this case, the results show an f-value a little greater and a significant p-value.

The code for this table can be seeing in section [5] on this jupyter notebok

Means for each level of income

Means for life expectancy by alcohol consumption > 6.78 (mean of alcohol consumption) vs. alcohol consumption < 6.78 for income < 7006 (mean of income in dollars).

alcohol life
<=6.8 65.2091
>6.8 68.2592

Means for life expectancy by alcohol consumption > 6.78 (mean of alcohol consumption) vs. alcohol consumption < 6.78 for income > 7006 (mean of income in dollars).

alcohol life
<=6.8 74.6213
>6.8 79.9717

The code for this table can be seeing in section [6][7] on this jupyter notebok

Graphs for means




The results of the Analise of variances shows that in the level of income less than the mean (7006 dollars) the income level not affects the direction or strength of the relationship between alcohol consumption and life expectancy, In the other hand, in the income levels greater than the mean, this affects the life expectancy when the alcohol consumption is greater than the mean, greater is the life expectancy. Is need to note that this is not a scientific work and the data can lead an erroneous interpretation.

See the entire code for this week here.

Written on August 24, 2016