Primeiros passos com Godot

Ao tentar aprender um pouco de desenvolvimento de jogos, me deparei com Godot, “uma Avançada engine de jogos open source, multiplataforma, 2D e 3D”. O produto tem como filosofia, oferecer um grande número de ferramentas para que o usuário possa focar em construir o game, sem “reinventar a roda”.

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Data Visualization - Week 4

Now is the time in that we going to begin to visualize our variables with graphs. Though three or more variable could be selected, in the name of clarity and simplicity and for to focus on the hypothesis of the project , I opted for only 2: Life Expectancy and alcohol consumption. For more information about my project, click here. The entire code for this week can see here.

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Data Visualization - Week 3

Data management is the issue of this third week, data management involves making decisions about data, that will help answer the research questions. The main guides for this are the codebook and frequency distributions.

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Data Visualization - Week 2

This is the second week of the course, in this week the students have to choose the language/tool to work (SaS or Python) and develop the first program based on their project, my chose was Python and bellow I presented the assignment.

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